Simple Lisp
[roscoe ~/lisp]$ gcc -o lisp lisp.c [roscoe ~/lisp]$ ./lisp example.lisp Bondi metric... Is the Einstein tensor GUU divergence-free? t > (length GUU) 280 > (length (covariant-derivative-of-up-up GUU)) 6723 > ^C [roscoe ~/lisp]$ ./lisp example2.lisp connection coefficients (p. 210) t divergence of einstein is zero (p. 222) t computing riemann tensor (p. 219) t symmetry of covariant derivative (p. 252) t covariant derivative chain rule (p. 252) t additivity of covariant derivative (p. 257) t riemann is antisymmetric on last two indices (p. 286) t riemann vanishes when antisymmetrized on last three indices (p. 286) t double dual of riemann (p. 325) t noncommutation of covariant derivatives (p. 389) t bondi metric t t >