#include "stdafx.h" #include "defs.h" void mod(void); void eval_mod(void) { push(cadr(p1)); eval(); push(caddr(p1)); eval(); mod(); } void mod(void) { int n; save(); p2 = pop(); p1 = pop(); if (iszero(p2)) stop("mod function: divide by zero"); if (!isnum(p1) || !isnum(p2)) { push_symbol(MOD); push(p1); push(p2); list(3); restore(); return; } if (isdouble(p1)) { push(p1); n = pop_integer(); if (n == (int) 0x80000000) stop("mod function: cannot convert float value to integer"); push_integer(n); p1 = pop(); } if (isdouble(p2)) { push(p2); n = pop_integer(); if (n == (int) 0x80000000) stop("mod function: cannot convert float value to integer"); push_integer(n); p2 = pop(); } if (!isinteger(p1) || !isinteger(p2)) stop("mod function: integer arguments expected"); p3 = alloc(); p3->k = NUM; p3->u.q.a = mmod(p1->u.q.a, p2->u.q.a); p3->u.q.b = mint(1); push(p3); restore(); } static char *s[] = { "mod(2.0,3.0)", "2", "mod(-2.0,3.0)", "-2", "mod(2.0,-3.0)", "2", "mod(-2.0,-3.0)", "-2", "mod(2,3)", "2", "mod(-2,3)", "-2", "mod(2,-3)", "2", "mod(-2,-3)", "-2", "mod(a,b)", "mod(a,b)", "mod(2.0,0.0)", "Stop: mod function: divide by zero", "mod(2,0)", "Stop: mod function: divide by zero", "mod(1.2,2)", "Stop: mod function: cannot convert float value to integer", "mod(1/2,3)", "Stop: mod function: integer arguments expected", "mod(15,8.0)", "7", }; void test_mod(void) { test(__FILE__, s, sizeof s / sizeof (char *)); }