/* Argument (angle) of complex z z arg(z) - ------ a 0 -a -pi See note 3 below (-1)^a a pi exp(a + i b) b a b arg(a) + arg(b) a + i b arctan(b/a) Result by quadrant z arg(z) - ------ 1 + i 1/4 pi 1 - i -1/4 pi -1 + i 3/4 pi -1 - i -3/4 pi Notes 1. Handles mixed polar and rectangular forms, e.g. 1 + exp(i pi/3) 2. Symbols in z are assumed to be positive and real. 3. Negative direction adds -pi to angle. Example: z = (-1)^(1/3), mag(z) = 1/3 pi, mag(-z) = -2/3 pi 4. jean-francois.debroux reports that when z=(a+i*b)/(c+i*d) then arg(numerator(z)) - arg(denominator(z)) must be used to get the correct answer. Now the operation is automatic. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "defs.h" void eval_arg(void) { push(cadr(p1)); eval(); arg(); } void arg(void) { save(); p1 = pop(); push(p1); numerator(); yyarg(); push(p1); denominator(); yyarg(); subtract(); restore(); } #define RE p2 #define IM p3 void yyarg(void) { save(); p1 = pop(); if (isnegativenumber(p1)) { push(symbol(PI)); negate(); } else if (car(p1) == symbol(POWER) && equaln(cadr(p1), -1)) { // -1 to a power push(symbol(PI)); push(caddr(p1)); multiply(); } else if (car(p1) == symbol(POWER) && cadr(p1) == symbol(E)) { // exponential push(caddr(p1)); imag(); } else if (car(p1) == symbol(MULTIPLY)) { // product of factors push_integer(0); p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { push(car(p1)); arg(); add(); p1 = cdr(p1); } } else if (car(p1) == symbol(ADD)) { // sum of terms push(p1); rect(); p1 = pop(); push(p1); real(); RE = pop(); push(p1); imag(); IM = pop(); if (iszero(RE)) { push(symbol(PI)); if (isnegative(IM)) negate(); } else { push(IM); push(RE); divide(); arctan(); if (isnegative(RE)) { push_symbol(PI); if (isnegative(IM)) subtract(); // quadrant 1 -> 3 else add(); // quadrant 4 -> 2 } } } else // pure real push_integer(0); restore(); } #if SELFTEST static char *s[] = { "arg(1+i)", "1/4*pi", "arg(1-i)", "-1/4*pi", "arg(-1+i)", "3/4*pi", "arg(-1-i)", "-3/4*pi", "arg((-1)^(1/3))", "1/3*pi", "arg(1+exp(i*pi/3))", "1/6*pi", "arg((-1)^(1/6)*exp(i*pi/6))", "1/3*pi", "arg(a)", "0", "arg(a*exp(b+i*pi/5))", "1/5*pi", "arg(-1)", "-pi", "arg(a)", "0", "arg(-a)", "-pi", "arg(-(-1)^(1/3))", "-2/3*pi", "arg(-exp(i*pi/3))", "-2/3*pi", "arg(-i)", "-1/2*pi", "arg((a+b*i)/(c+d*i))", "arctan(b/a)-arctan(d/c)", }; void test_arg(void) { test(__FILE__, s, sizeof s / sizeof (char *)); } #endif