// If the number of args is odd then the last arg is the default result. #include "stdafx.h" #include "defs.h" void eval_test(void) { p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { if (cdr(p1) == symbol(NIL)) { push(car(p1)); // default case eval(); return; } push(car(p1)); eval_predicate(); p2 = pop(); if (!iszero(p2)) { push(cadr(p1)); eval(); return; } p1 = cddr(p1); } push_integer(0); } // The test for equality is weaker than the other relational operators. // For example, A<=B causes a stop when the result of A minus B is not a // numerical value. // However, A==B never causes a stop. // For A==B, any nonzero result for A minus B indicates inequality. void eval_testeq(void) { push(cadr(p1)); eval(); push(caddr(p1)); eval(); subtract(); p1 = pop(); if (iszero(p1)) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } // Relational operators expect a numeric result for operand difference. void eval_testge(void) { if (cmp_args() >= 0) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } void eval_testgt(void) { if (cmp_args() > 0) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } void eval_testle(void) { if (cmp_args() <= 0) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } void eval_testlt(void) { if (cmp_args() < 0) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } void eval_not(void) { push(cadr(p1)); eval_predicate(); p1 = pop(); if (iszero(p1)) push_integer(1); else push_integer(0); } void eval_and(void) { p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { push(car(p1)); eval_predicate(); p2 = pop(); if (iszero(p2)) { push_integer(0); return; } p1 = cdr(p1); } push_integer(1); } void eval_or(void) { p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { push(car(p1)); eval_predicate(); p2 = pop(); if (!iszero(p2)) { push_integer(1); return; } p1 = cdr(p1); } push_integer(0); } // use subtract for cases like A < A + 1 int cmp_args(void) { int t; push(cadr(p1)); eval(); push(caddr(p1)); eval(); subtract(); p1 = pop(); // try floating point if necessary if (p1->k != NUM && p1->k != DOUBLE) { push(p1); yyfloat(); eval(); p1 = pop(); } if (iszero(p1)) return 0; switch (p1->k) { case NUM: if (MSIGN(p1->u.q.a) == -1) t = -1; else t = 1; break; case DOUBLE: if (p1->u.d < 0.0) t = -1; else t = 1; break; default: stop("relational operator: cannot determine due to non-numerical comparison"); t = 0; } return t; } #if SELFTEST static char *s[] = { "a=1", "1", "1>=2", "0", "2>=1", "1", "1>1", "0", "1>2", "0", "2>1", "1", "1<=1", "1", "1<=2", "1", "2<=1", "0", "1<1", "0", "1<2", "1", "2<1", "0", "test(0,A,B)", "B", "test(1,A,B)", "A", "test(0,A,0,B)", "0", "test(0,A,0,B,C)", "C", "not(1)", "0", "not(0)", "1", "not(a=a)", "0", "and(1,1)", "1", "and(1,0)", "0", "or(1,0)", "1", "or(0,0)", "0", "(0,0)==0", "1", "1