Introduction ============ [Seafile]( is a cloud hosting solution like ownCloud. It is more efficient for file transfers, has more fine-grained sharing settings, and better supports collaboration between teams. This page lists the relevant configuration files of a Seafile installation which is accessible using HTTP *and* HTTPS. Configuration ============= Since Seafile Server 5, all config files are located in the `conf` folder. ------------------ [ reference]( FILE_SERVER_ROOT = "/seafhttp" ccnet.conf ---------- [ccnet.conf reference]( SERVICE_URL = Contrary to the statements in the documentation, `[General] ID` and `[Client] PORT` are actually necessary. (As of version 5.0.1) seafile-server-latest/runtime/seahub.conf ----------------------------------------- In this file, `daemon` can be set to False to see debug messages. Nginx ===== See [Nginx Seafile Config](../conf/nginx/sites-available/seafile). Autostart ========= See * [seafile.service](../conf/systemd/seafile.service) * [seahub.service](../conf/systemd/seahub.service) References ========== * [Deploying Seafile with SQLite]( * [Deploy Seafile behind NAT]( * [Enabling Https with Nginx]( * [Start Seafile at System Bootup](