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Here is a simple example that draws the graph of $y=mx+b$.
Now suppose that we want to draw the graph
with a different $m$.
We could type in everything all over again, but it would be easier
in the long run to write a script.
Then we can go back and quickly change $m$ and $b$ as many times as we want.
To prepare a script, click on the Edit Script button.
Then enter the script commands, one per line, as shown above.
Then click on the Run Script button to see the graph.
Eigenmath runs a script by stepping through it line by line.
Each line is evaluated just like a regular command.
This continues until the end of the script is reached.
After the script runs, you can click Edit Script and go back and change something.
%By the way, Eigenmath automatically does a clear
%running a script.
Sometimes it is desirable to have a script print a few comments when it runs.
This can be accomplished by placing the desired text in quotes
on a single line.
For example, the script
\verb$"Here is the value of pi."$
displays the following when run.
\verb$Here is the value of pi.$
Eigenmath includes a simple debug facility.
Setting the variable $trace$ to 1 causes each line of the script to be
printed as the script runs.
Normally this setting would be the first line in the script.
\verb$--Now each line of the script is printed as it runs.$