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\subsection{Surface area}
Let $S$ be a surface parameterized by $x$ and $y$.
That is, let $S=(x,y,z)$ where $z=f(x,y)$.
The tangent lines at a point on $S$ form a tiny parallelogram.
The area $a$ of the parallelogram is given by the magnitude of the cross product.
$$a=\left|{\partial S\over\partial x}\times{\partial S\over\partial y}\right|$$
By summing over all the parallelograms we obtain the total surface area $A$.
$$A=\int\!\!\!\int dA=\int\!\!\!\int a\,dx\,dy$$
The following example computes the surface area of a unit disk
parallel to the $xy$ plane.
The result is $\pi$, the area of a unit circle, which is what we expect.
The following example computes the surface area of $z=x^2+2y$ over
a unit square.
As a practical matter, $f(x,y)$ must be very simple in order
for Eigenmath to solve the double integral.
Find the area of the spiral ramp defined by\footnote{
Williamson and Trotter, {\it Multivariable Mathematics,} p. 598.}
$$S=\left(\matrix{u\cos v\cr u\sin v\cr v}\right),\qquad 0\le u\le1,\qquad 0\le v\le3\pi$$
In this example, the coordinates $x$, $y$ and $z$ are all
functions of an independent parameter space.