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Philips Hue Rules

Each folder contains a set of rules that can be used with Philips Hue.

This is for geeks! 😉

Also see LampShade moods.


See the readmes inside the ruleset folders.


The JSON files are raw Hue API requests for maximum flexibility and portability. Identifiers for lights and sensors are parameterized using uppercase letters. Hence, before submitting the configuration files to the bridge, the parameters should be replaced as described below.

Some rulesets also require memory sensors. The BASENAME and XX parameters should be different for every instance of the ruleset.


The following snippets demonstrate the installation of the DimmerBed ruleset for two different rooms.

First, install the memory sensors and note the returned IDs:


IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomAlice/g; s/XX/00/g"

cat DimmerBed/mem.sensor.json | sed "$IDS" | curl "$PREFIX/sensors" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @-

# Returns: [{"success":{"id":"30"}}]

IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomBob/g; s/XX/01/g"

cat DimmerBed/mem.sensor.json | sed "$IDS" | curl "$PREFIX/sensors" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @-

# Returns: [{"success":{"id":"31"}}]

Then, the ruleset can be installed:


IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomAlice/g; s/GROUP/1/g; s/DIMMER/10/g; s/MEMORY/30/g"

for f in DimmerBed/*.rule.json; do cat "$f" | sed "$IDS" | curl "$PREFIX/rules" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @-; done

IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomBob/g; s/GROUP/2/g; s/DIMMER/11/g; s/MEMORY/31/g"

for f in DimmerBed/*.rule.json; do cat "$f" | sed "$IDS" | curl "$PREFIX/rules" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @-; done

Advanced Example

This example requires jq for fully automated installation.

install_sensor() {
	cat $1.sensor.json | sed "$IDS" | \
		curl "$PREFIX/sensors" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- | \
		jq -r .[0]

install_ruleset() {
	for f in $1/*.rule.json; do cat "$f" | sed "$IDS" | curl "$PREFIX/rules" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @-; done


IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomAlice/g; s/XX/00/g"
mem=$(install_sensor DimmerBed/mem)

IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomAlice/g; s/GROUP/1/g; s/DIMMER/10/g; s/MEMORY/$mem/g"
install_ruleset DimmerBed

IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomBob/g; s/XX/01/g"
mem=$(install_sensor DimmerBed/mem)

IDS="s/BASENAME/BedroomBob/g; s/GROUP/2/g; s/DIMMER/11/g; s/MEMORY/$mem/g"
install_ruleset DimmerBed